
Forestry Operations

Stream Assessment RFP – Chinook Comfor

Stream Assessment RFP – Chinook Comfor

Chinook Comfor Stream Assessment RPF is now open.  Deadline for proposals is August 9 at 4:00 pm.  RPF opening is on August 12, 10:00 am at the Chinook Comfor office.  Written questions will be received until August 2, email...

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Chinook Community Forest 2022-23 Annual Report

Chinook Community Forest 2022-23 Annual Report

For fiscal year April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023 The 2022-23 fiscal year started off with a very successful spring planting, followed by a very wet spring into summer. This contributed greatly to the prevention of Wildfires within the Lakes Timber...

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Chinook Community Forest FESBC Project

Chinook Community Forest FESBC Project

Chinook Comfor is working with Forest Enhancement Society BC to salvage burnt fiber from the Verdun 2018 Wildfires with in Chinooks K4R license area. This project will salvage 93.6 hectares of badly burnt fiber.

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Logging Operations

Stream Assessment RFP – Chinook Comfor

Stream Assessment RFP – Chinook Comfor

Chinook Comfor Stream Assessment RPF is now open.  Deadline for proposals is August 9 at 4:00 pm.  RPF opening is on August 12, 10:00 am at the Chinook Comfor office.  Written questions will be received until August 2, email...

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2020-21 Harvest Operations

2020-21 Harvest Operations

Chinook Community Forest is active on multiple Cutting Permits this year. 1) CP 504 - Fire Salvage South Side of Francios Lake. Nadina Map Blks 9,8 and 7. Verdun Map Blks 12 and 13 2) CP 202 - China Nose/Bulkley South area. 3) CP 203 - Tamen area....

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2019-20 Harvest Operations

2019-20 Harvest Operations

Chinook Community Forest was active on the southside of Francois Lake with its summer and winter operations. Chinook has been chasing Mountain Pine Beetle killed stands since 2016 and continues to chase MPB stands. Chinook also harvested roughly...

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2016-2017 Logging Season

2016-2017 Logging Season

In in the 2016 to 2017 Logging Season, the Chinook Community Forest harvested 135,000 m3 which was delivered to local sawmills. All harvesting and hauling was conducted by local Logging Contractors. The Chinook Comfor supported over 100 seasonal...

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